Ryan M. Lin, was an associate who worked at Ashersons for about 3 years from January 2017.
Ryan matriculated from Westerford High School in 2009 and completed his tertiary education at the University of Cape Town. In 2013, he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Economics and Finance, and in 2016 he graduated with his LLB degree.
Ryan was admitted as an attorney, notary and conveyancer in February 2019.
Ryan left Ashersons in early 2020 and is looking to qualify as a solicitor of England and Wales.
He will be missed and we look forward to him returning one day.
Recent Articles by Ryan Lin
Property Transfers and Trust Account Theft: A R720,000 Warning 1 July 2019 - A lot of money changes hands in property sales, and for many of us buying or selling a house is the largest single financial transaction of our lives. A recent High Court judgment in the matter of Agu v Krige and Others (20763/2017) [2019] ZAWCHC 46 involving a theft of R720,000 by a dishonest conveyancer […]
RAF claims: Time for a more purposive approach to Prescription 25 June 2018 - The Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996 (“the RAF Act”) has been described as ‘social legislation’. Crucially, the Act’s fundamental objective is to provide protection to a wronged party who has suffered loss through the negligence or unlawful act on the part of a driver or owner of a vehicle. Prescription is a rule […]
Say a cracking goodbye to the wooden spoon 23 October 2017 - The South African Constitution provides an extensive Bill of Rights protecting the rights of all South Africans. Notwithstanding the fact that the values underlying the Constitution envisage a parent-child relationship as one excluding all forms of violence, South African parents have until recently been allowed to inflict physical harm on their children for disciplinary purposes. […]
“Please Sir, Can i have some more?” The need for more consumer protection when it comes to food safety 8 September 2017 - Consumer protection, which includes being given access to a safe and dependable supply of food, is a fundamental requirement of any society. In transforming the South African food landscape, there have been gradual improvements to protect consumers, most notable with the advent of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. However, we still see unfit […]